Suzanne Schmollgruber


“The only thing we really need, whatever we choose to do, is to follow our passion. Mine is just binding books – the most sexy work in the world! “

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Photo © Umberto Cavenago

Lumière, 2019

Board Book, Plexiglass, Tyvek
12,2 × 12,2 × 1,8cm
The active members
of the group buchundform exhibited their work: 
Carine Serex Chew, from Lausanne, Jan Peter Zimmerlich from Neuchâtel,
Kylin Lee from Sarnen and myself. This group is small and very precious to me.

is looking for active members.
Are you a bookbinder who is looking for creative challenges?
Then please contact us here!

I made this book
for the 25th jubilee of buchundform, celebrated in Fall 2019 at the Basler Papiermühle.
A speach held by Elisabeth Sele introduced the opening act of the vernissage on Oktober 17th, 2019.